At Christ Community Church, we are deeply committed to the biblical belief that parents have the primary responsibility to teach their sons and daughters about who God is, who they are, and what Christ has done in coming to earth. As a result, we invite both teens and their parents to all events!

Big Meetings

Once a month on Fridays, we have a time that includes an icebreaker, snacks, worship through song, expository teaching through the Bible, and discussion between parents and their kids. 


About once a month on Thursdays, we meet for a time to simply unwind and enjoy fellowship together over a given activity (ex. bowling, board games, mini-golf, etc.)


On select Sunday evenings during the school year, we will be preparing and serving a meal as well as sharing the gospel with the people at Opportunity House, a local shelter in the City of Reading.

Summer Youth Camp

Each year we partner with other Sovereign Grace churches in the area to put on a 4-day camp at Black Rock Retreat Center. This includes a series of messages from God's Word, times of prayer, and team-building games/activities.  This is a fantastic time for parents and teens to come together to grow in our friendship and faith. Click HERE to see highlights from Youth Camp 2024.


If you are interested in learning more, contact us.

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time (kairos),